Monday 21st June 2011 Road Tripping- Karma Yatri style… My alarm rings at 5.00 am but its of no u...
If evolution happened fast enough, I’m certain I would belong to a sub-species of humans which ha...
It’s 3:00 pm on a Monday evening and Shakti is limping back to Mumbai. We’ve been on the road for...
Weekend riding plans are the best kind of creature.. you dont have to pack too much, the friend w...
Weekend riding plans are the best kind of creature… you don’t have too much to carry, the friend ...
We had just finished our first Himalayan trip as Karma Yatri. The group had left, we had complete...
Sunday 20th june 2011 The group had already checked into the 3rd Eye by the time we arrived. All ...
Thursday 24th june 2011 An inadvertent wait but a sleep well deserved, we had to wait for the tow...
Friday 25th june 2011 () A series of soft knocks with the rhythmic “Julley” forced me out of my s...